今天打开宝塔面板,发现 php8.1 提示升级,升级之后提示无法启动,就删除 PHP 重新安装 PHP,我从 php5.3 安装到 php8.2 都提示 “Package 'freetype2', required by 'virtual:world', not found”,显示情况如下。
checking for libwebp… yes
checking for libjpeg… yes
checking for freetype2… no
configure: error: Package requirements (freetype2) were not met:
Package 'freetype2', required by 'virtual:world', not found
Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.
Alternatively, you may set the environment variables FREETYPE2_CFLAGS

根据网络上的提示,一般认为缺少 libfreetype-dev、libfreetype6-dev,可是安装还是不行。本机系统 centOS
输入命令:sudo yum install libfreetype-dev libfreetype6-dev
Last metadata expiration check: 0:08:16 ago on Mon 07 Aug 2023 09:51:00 PM CST.
No match for argument: libfreetype-dev
No match for argument: libfreetype6-dev
最终查找到一篇文献,缺乏 freetype-devel
在终端中输入:sudo yum install freetype-devel
显示安装完毕,顺利安装 php 相关版本。