说起陈 “大善人” 趣事颇多,真真假假,假假真真,其首善证书被联合国的微博给直接指出是假的,那么这个证书是他自己印刷给脸上贴金的还是被人利用给贴金的呢?有段视频,随后放出,不过先看  中国全球合作基金 (The China Foundation for Global Partnership) 的正式回应。



 中国全球合作基金(The China Foundation for Global Partnership)官网截图



    New York, 8 July 2014   

The China Foundation for Global Partnership is responding today to unfounded and factually incorrect stories circulating in the press principally in China relating to the Foundation in respect of an award we presented to Mr. Chen Guangbiao. Sadly, we are forced to respond to what amounts to another publicity stunt by Mr. Chen Guangbiao.
    The China Foundation for Global Partnership is a New York based not-for-profit organization dedicated to advance philanthropy and global partnership in support of the United Nations millennium development goals in China.

 Here are the facts:

    Mr. Chen Guangbiao approached the Foundation about a high- profile event he planned for New York City – distributing $300 dollars each to homeless people in the city. The idea for the event was laudable. The importance of the event to Mr. Guangbiao was understood as he took out a full page ad in the New York Times to publicize it. 
   (陈光标先生主动找到该机构,谈了中央公园给流浪者每人 300 美元的计划,这个想法值得赞扬,陈光标很重视,因此在纽时做了整版的广告。)

    He met with China related organizations including the Foundation in New York prior to this event. At that time he briefed us on his impressive philanthropic activities and we introduced the mission of the Foundation to him. We also provided him with the Foundation’s brochures which clearly state that the Foundation does not represent the United Nations in any capacity. This is also stated on the business cards that were handed to him by officers of the Foundation. At this time, impressed by the mission of the Foundation, Mr. Guangbiao donated $30,000 in support of our mission for which we thanked him.
     陈光标给我们讲了他令人印象深刻的慈善作为,我们则介绍了基金会的宗旨。我们还给了他基金的册子,里面清楚陈述了基金不以任何方式代表联合国。这在给他的名片上也有表明。在那时,陈光标捐了 3 万美元支持我们的努力 (mission),我们感谢了他。

    Subsequently Mr. Chen asked the Foundation to give him an award during his event for the homeless for his many philanthropic activities. This seemed to us a worthy thing to do and at the time we were also hoping that by presenting him with an award we could inspire more philanthropic activities from Chinese business leaders in accordance with our mission.

    On the day of the homeless event in Central Park, Mr. Chen presented the Foundation with a certificate that misleadingly appeared to be from the United Nations which he asked us to present to him. We assumed it was a misunderstanding and we again made clear to him that we do not and cannot represent the United Nations in any capacity and can only provide an award from the Foundation itself which we then presented to him.
     当日在中央公园的餐会上,陈先生给基金会的证书 (Mr. Chen presented the Foundation with a certificate) 误导人们,像是来自联合国的,他要我们颁发给他。我们认为这是一个误会,我们再次向他澄清,我们不以任何方式代表联合国,只能提供来自基金本身的证书。

    We regret that Mr. Chen Guangbiao feels that an award from the Foundation was not sufficient.

    The Foundation’s mission is to bring and inspire a new generation of Chinese business leaders to engage in philanthropic work, both domestic and internationally, we do not wish to participate in this publicity stunt and hope this statement can put this situation to rest. 




在最新声明中称,陈先生在餐会那天给了 “基金” 一个预先做好的证书,证书上有联合国标志,请求 “基金” 颁发给他。
(On the day of the homeless event, which was held in Central Park, Mr. Chen provided the Foundation with a pre-made certificate which had the United Nations logo and asked us to present to him)

《陈光标首善证书的来龙去脉》 有 4 条评论


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