来源一:http://xysblogs.org/yush/archives/11071 来源二:http://www.solidot.org/story?sid=42908
第一部分 视频上显示抄袭开源代码
“Direct, Swipe Pan: Swipe to pan around.” (10分24秒平板演示及10分48秒手机演示)图
“Establishing handshake Please wait…” (12分21秒手机演示)图
161行: <string name="info_progress_dialog_establishing">Establishing handshake.\nPlease wait…</string> 本行或许不能证明使用了开源代码,毕竟这个是一个说明性的文字,这种重复率极高的。翻译为“正在建立握手,请等待”。
268行:<string name="input_mode_touch_pan_description">Direct, Swipe Pan: Swipe to pan around. Tap with one finger wherever you want to left-click, two fingers to right-click, and three fingers to middle-click. Swipe with two fingers to scroll. Long tap to drag and drop.</string> 这一行,毋庸置疑,肯定是抄袭无疑,毕竟从概率学上来看,出现这样相同文字概率极低,基本上可以说是为0;
第二部分 透明计算桌面系统展示视频
下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c0rkYC4 密码:xirdyh
第三部分 remote-desktop-clients bVNC 开源软件作者iiordanov感言
Hello everyone,
I would like to say a great big thanks to all of you for finding this out, for following this issue, for spreading the word, and for making me aware of it. It is a great honor my project has won such a prestigious prise regardless of the circumstances.
This software project was created entirely in my spare time and comprises several remote desktop clients, including bVNC, aRDP, aSPICE, and Opaque. I would like to say that while the multi-touch UI and some other aspects of the software are an original creation of mine, the project has benefitted greatly from work by Michael MacDonald of Antlersoft (http://cgibin.rcn.com/mmacdonald31), as well as from work done by the team behind TightVNC (http://www.tightvnc.com), TigerVNC (http://tigervnc.org/), Connectbot (https://code.google.com/p/connectbot/), x11vnc (http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/), FreeRDP (http://www.freerdp.com/), RedHat (http://www.redhat.com/en), and many other individuals and companies. It is very important for credit to be given when using other people's work, and it is also of great importance to republish source code when distributing software build from GPL source code!
I have written this software for the betterment of everyone and it gives me great joy that people all over the world are finding out about it and finding it useful. I am following this discussion with great interest and once again thank you all!
In case you are interested, appart from the source code and APKs available on github, bVNC, aRDP, aSPICE, and Opaque are available on Google Play, Blackberry World and Amazon App Store.
iordan iordanov