日本的金粉胶囊在国内火了,据说吃了能够拉出金色的便便,想一想还真稀奇,不过也真够变态的,自己的便便还要去看看哦。想尝鲜的朋友去这里看看吧 https://www.etsy.com/listing/223711844/luck-of-the-draw-random-colored-glitter?ref=shop_home_active_1,价格 6 颗 4.5 美元,12 颗。
使用说明:The first price listed is for 6, after that there are bulk discounts applied. What you will get is a grab bag mix of pretty sparkly glitter caps. They are made in a pet free smoke free home.DO NOT EAT. Buyer accepts all responsibility for misuse. Please keep out of reach of children.